martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Activity 1: National Geographic website

Hi! Today I'm gonna talk about some pictures that I like.

The first picture, show us a cheetahs running, probably because it's hunting. I like felines in general, but cheetahs are so amazing.
They are the most fast animals in the world and  are so aerodynamic. This animals can reach a speed of 95 km in 3 seconds.

The second photo that I like is this:

In this photo we can see the beautiful relation-ship that has the elephant mother with her baby.
The relation that they have is the most closer in the animal world, because the elephant has memory and can remember who is who.
The relation that they have with their "child" beyond the raising and can be in existence for entire life.

And the last photo it's different than the others:

I choose this photo, because I think it's so amazing the phenomenon that happen here.We can see, the ligthning fall in to a city.
Form a storm to happen, has to mix hot and wet wind and an inestable aptmosphere and create lightning and a lot of rain.


I choose this video, because shows us the beautiful magic that has the naturally. The different ecosystem and how the different species can be related. In my opinion this video it's so emotional because we can see a lot of images in the world and teach us the importance to look after the world.

The second video that I like, shows us a leopard that kill a monkey for eating, and when he try to put his prey on a tree, realize that the monkey that he kills, has a breeding.
Immediately, the leopard lie down side the breeding and grab it and carry in to the tree, as if it's own baby. Unfortunately the little monkey doesn't pass the night because of the cold, but this video show that some animals that looks ferocious can be tender <3.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello! I like you choose, because I like this animals and the landscape is very beautiful ! Now the videos I like both but the second video maybe is the most beautiful thing I saw!

  2. Pauli! i love the picture of elephant, i think that this animals are so clever and amazing, i didnt know that they are so close each other

    Irellay really really love the video of the monkey is so cute, the animals are amazing i have not words...

  3. The cheetahs are one of my favorite animals!,I love its speed , they area awesome predators , they can catch its prey very fast , I love them :B .

  4. Hi Pauli!
    I like the pictures that you chose. Elephants are amazing and beautiful, I love them! I like the third photo too, I think the nature it's powerful.

  5. I love cheeatahs I would say that is my favorite feline after lions!
