martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Post 2: my opinion

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I agree, but only in some cases. For example in a rape I think is unfair that a woman has to have a baby undesirable and with a crazy man thath doesn't know. Also in case that the doctor say to the woman that the fetus came dead or the baby will be die and she voluntarily says that she doesn't want to pass for this situation.

What is your opinion about climate change?
I think is terrible, because we are doing harm to us. For example, in the little plases that we still have some vegetation, the "industrialized" world insist on make construction or change the natural things. In the present we have a lot of animals in extinction because of that. They are destroyed they natural home.

What is your opinion about women in the military?
I think is a good think, because all the people have the right to do what they want to do. And the military thing, although a lot of people say that is just for men, needs a lot of work of a woman. They also has the strength to do it things that don't want to do it, or support difficult situation.

What is your opinion about the smart phones?
I think is a good think but with a limit. It has been a relief because, if you have a familiar that lives far away, you only needs a smart phone to talk with he at the same moment, or sent photos in the exact moment that you take. But also remove the socialization in person, like speak with a friend or whit some people face to face. 

What is your opinion about violence on television?
I think it doesn't help to the raising of the kids in the world. They are seeing a lot of things that in a long- time makes them aggressive or annoying child. Also makes nervous people that thing that they can go out to they houses without make a risk 

4 comentarios:

  1. I completely agree with you about the violence in TV, because i think that the children today are very impulsed and aggressive with his partners, and their parents should pay more attention to what their children watch, because they mimic all

  2. Hi Pauli :D I noticed that we have some similar opinions, except for the violence on TV. Have a nice week :)

  3. Pauli I agree with you about violence on television, many of the insane that there have been disturbed by things they saw on TV , it's truly awful :C

  4. Hi! I completely agree with you about women in the military because I think the woman are so powerfull, organized and clean and that its perfect from the military
    Bye! Love you
